Effective Teeth Whitening Dental Treatment in Chino Hills

If your teeth aren’t quite as sparkly as you’d like them to be, you may want to consider teeth whitening treatment at Omnia Dental Care. 

Our dental team can professionally brighten your teeth to give you a beautiful smile and a boost of confidence. Call today to schedule an appointment.

Why are my Teeth Dull and Yellow?

Even if you regularly brush and floss, your teeth become dull and discolored over time. There are a number of factors that affect the appearance of your teeth.

Fret not. Our team of dentists has the best solution. Avail our teeth whitening treatment at an affordable cost & bid farewell to all your dental woes. 

Food and Drink Stains

Your teeth are porous; therefore, they are susceptible to staining, especially from coffee, tea, wine, blueberries, and tomato sauce. 


Between brushing and eating, the tough white enamel on your teeth begins to wear down as you get older, causing the yellow dentin under the enamel to show through.


When a tooth is injured, it lays down more dentin to protect itself, which causes that tooth to appear more yellow.


Like with food and drinks, nicotine and tar in cigarettes stains your teeth. 

While the dental team at Omnia Dental Care can brighten almost any smile, not all teeth whitening agents work on every stain. After an examination of your mouth and teeth, our dentists can determine the best way to brighten your smile.

How Does Teeth Whitening Treatment Brighten my Smile?

At Omnia Dental Care, we offer in-office dental whitening as well as take-home dental whitening trays. The in-office treatment requires only one visit and can make your teeth several shades lighter. 

During dental whitening treatment, a barrier is placed to protect your gums and the gel is painted on your teeth to lift the stains and reveal the bright white enamel underneath. Treatment typically takes a little over an hour.

You may experience some sensitivity after teeth whitening, which is normal, but it should resolve itself quickly.

How long will my teeth stay white?

With good aftercare, your teeth may remain white and bright for up to a year after teeth whitening treatment. Omnia Dental Care recommends that you continue to brush and floss daily to reduce staining and follow up with regular checkups and professional cleanings.

Limiting your intake of foods and drinks that stain may also help keep your teeth white. If you’re having a hard time giving up coffee, the team suggests drinking out of a straw. Brushing after you eat or drink may also help prevent stains from setting in.

If you’re ready to get your teeth professionally whitened, call Omnia Dental Care today.



  • Generally speaking, the effectiveness of teeth whitening treatment depends on the status of your teeth. If you are considering it, you must know that professional teeth whitening can in most cases return teeth to the whitest shade possible.

  • Of course. Anyone with healthy teeth and gums can brighten up their smile with a professional dental whitening treatment. Removing stains of tea, coffee, tobacco, and tetracycline becomes much easier with the treatment. Also, the best thing is that this treatment will not affect existing dental work.

  • We have quite a streamlined procedure to whiten your teeth. It’s as follows:

    Step 1: When you visit our clinic, the first thing we’ll do is check your teeth and gums. This will help us determine whether or not they are healthy. Then, we’ll work together to decide what shade you want your teeth to be. We then clean your teeth to remove the plaque.

    Step 2: Once your teeth are dried, a retractor is used to keep your tongue and lips from interfering with the whitening products. And, for your gums, we typically use a gel or a shield to protect them.

    Step 3: We then cover the front surface of your teeth with a whitening solution. A special light is used for activating the process. We’ll then carefully and closely monitor the progress of your treatment until the desired result is reached.

    Step 4: We’ll then rinse off the solution and apply Fluoride for preventing tooth sensitivity.

  • No, the dental whitening treatment is not permanent. It can last 2-3 years if you get it done by a professional. However, you can make them last longer if your lifestyle habits are healthy.